
Agent CLI

Updating the agent configuration

To expose a service with Kokomo you need to run the Kokomo CLI agent as described in the core concepts and running the agent. But let's see what happens when we update the agent configuration.

Updating the arguments in the agent

As we have learned, when the agent is first started it will trigger the provisioning of the Kokomo infrastructure that allows a service on your computer (or server) to be reachable.

When we start the agent we can also configure parameters like the name of the service, the security configuration for mutual TLS, IP firewalling and so on.

Changing the arguments - and therefore changing the infrastructure configuration - typically happens within a few seconds and both the DNS address and the static IP address will not change.

When you are restarting a service, and therefore the Kokomo infrastructure (and therefore the tunnel) is being rebuilt, the static IP address will change and the DNS address that Kokomo provisions for your service may also change as a result of that (if the name of the service also changes). This is all handled by Kokomo automatically, but it is good to keep it mind in case you are referencing the old IP address in links that you have shared or DNS records that you have configured.

In general, it is always better to share the DNS address of the Kokomo service instead of the static IP address because it will stay the same even across rebuilds of the infrastructure, only for as long as the name of the service doesn't also change.

Bear in mind that when provisioning or reconfiguring the infrastructure, the DNS address may take a few minutes to properly propagate whereas the static IP address will be available immediately.

Running the agent